Self-Appointed Parking Police Won’t Back Down – Until Karma Hits!


I pull into the disabled parking bay at my grocery store. I amble out of the vehicle and notice an angry customer (not an employee) marching over to me.

I take my walking cane out and use it to right myself as I close the car door. The angry customer, upon seeing the cane, stops, looks less angry, and suddenly doesn’t seem to know what to do with himself.

Me: *Calling over* “Coming over to be the disability police, I see?”

He seems kind of embarrassed about being called out.

Customer: “You didn’t look like you needed that spot at first!”

Me: “And now you’re satisfied I’ve met your criteria?”

Customer: “I just wanted to make sure!”

Me: “And if I was having a better day than I usually do, and I could make do without my walking stick, what then?”

Customer: “Then you wouldn’t have parked there I hope!”

Me: “Not all disabilities are obvious. You can spend your time better than policing the disabled parking bay unasked.”

Customer: “I’m performing a service!”

Me: “My leg is flaring up, but talking to you is still more painful. I’m going to go inside and shop now.”

As I walk away, the customer is still shouting after me.

Customer: “You should be thanking me! I’m doing a service!”

I go into the store, amble up to the pharmacy, and get my prescription for my pain medication that I’ve run out of. I take one right there and have a coffee. It kicks in, and I’m able to comfortably walk back to my car without the need for the stick.

Mr. Parking Lot Police is still there wasting his life by monitoring the disabled parking bay. He sees me walking in much better condition than I was before and starts marching over angrily again.

I get into my car and drive away as he starts shouting after me about being a liar and only pretending to need the walking stick.

Sadly, it doesn’t end here. I’m back at the store again a week later, and because I’m having a better day, I park in regular parking and walk into the store. This guy is STILL there, being the self-appointed disabled parking bay monitor.

He seems to recognize me as he runs over and barks at me:

Customer: “You! You lying piece of s***! You’re not disabled!”

Me: “Don’t you have anything better to do?”

Customer: “You wait right there! I’m calling the police!”

Me: “You do you, but I’m going in to shop.”

I complete my shopping and walk out, and he’s still there, this time having an argument with the police. He sees me, his eyes widen, and he starts pointing me out to the police, but the officer’s attention is solely on this very agitated man.

Officer: “George, I’ve told you that you need to stop doing this. Please go home.”

Customer: “I’m doing a service, and you’re letting him get away!”

The officer looks over at me, and I simply nod and continue walking to my car.

Officer: “He’s not parked in the disabled area.”

Customer: “But he did last week, and he lied to me!”

Officer: “There’s not much I can do about—“

Customer: “Arrest him!”

Having had enough, I walk over.

Me: “Excuse me, officer, this man has been harassing me twice now. I’d like to report him.”

Customer: “How dare you—”

Officer: “Enough, George. Let’s get you home.”

The officer nods to me that he’ll take care of the situation and escorts George away.

I am back the next week for my weekly shopping and he’s thankfully nowhere to be found.

Three months or so later, I’m parking up at the mall, and guess who is there performing the same service? That’s right. He comes marching over to me AGAIN and is about to go off when I pull out a wheelchair and start to help my mom into it.

Customer: “She’d better not be faking!”

Me: “Are you being serious right now? How sad is your life that this is what you choose to do with it? F*** off, or I’ll call the police, and they’ll move you along again.”

He steps toward my mom, and I step between him and her.

Me: “Take one more step toward my mom, and I’ll reclaim my walking stick and show you what else it can do.”

He glared at me but backed away. I complained about him to the mall customer service desk and then went about my shopping. He was gone when I came out of the mall with my mom. Maybe he moved on to another parking lot that I thankfully don’t use.

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Aurora Wells

Aurora Wells is a passionate storyteller at Blizzy Panda, weaving heartwarming, funny, and captivating stories that spark joy and curiosity. With a flair for uncovering the extraordinary in everyday moments, Aurora loves connecting readers to the stories that make life a little brighter.


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