Mom’s Surprise Honeymoon Visit Ends in a Hilarious Mix-Up


I work at a beachside hotel. For the sake of the story, we will call our hotel The Beachside Inn.

Customer: “I need to know what room [Guest’s Name] is staying in, please.”

Me: “I’m afraid I can’t disclose that information without—”

Customer: “—oh, it’s fine! I’m her mother!”

Me: “Maybe you can call her to ask her?”

Customer: “Oh but I’m here to surprise her, you see! She’s here on her honeymoon.”

Sadly, this happens a lot more often than you’d think. Some parents just can’t let their “children” go, even after they’ve literally just married.

Me: “I understand, but without permission from the guest, we’re unable to disclose the room they’re staying in, or even confirm they’re in this hotel. You would need to call them.”

Customer: “Look, I understand but I’m her mother! Also, I’m here to check in! I want to book a room!”

Me: “Do you have a reservation?”

Customer: “No, but I’d like to book the room next to theirs, please.”

Me: “Again, I can’t confirm their room number or even if they’re staying in this hotel.”

Customer: “You’re no help! Fine!”

She stands aside and makes a call.

Customer: “Hello, dear! How’s the honeymoon!… Yes I know you just got there but I wanted to check in… How’s the hotel?… By the way, what room number are you in, dear… It’s so…uh… I can send you a nice gift!… Oh, no, it’s no bother!… Oh, you can’t remember? Well, just check the front door… You’re at the beach? Well hurry back here!… I mean hurry back there! I want to surprise you with a nice present!”

The customer finishes her call and tells me she will be waiting for her daughter in the lobby. I get a call from one of the rooms.

Caller: “This is [Guest] calling from [Room Number]. I think my mom is in the lobby.”

Me: “Yes… ma’am, that appears to be the case.”

Caller: “I can’t believe it! Actually, I can. I’m sorry you’re putting up with whatever she’s already put you through. I’m going to call her back and deal with this. Imma gonna tell her we’re at the Beachside Resort.”

I see the mother get a call on her cell.

Customer: “What’s the room number, dear?… 1801, lovely!… Wait, what hotel? The resort?… But I’m at the Beachside Inn!… Uh… well might as well tell you, I’m here to surprise you! How about we go get dinner and… oh… snorkeling cruise… well when are you back… tomorrow? What am I going to do until tomorrow?”

She wandered away after that, and I had stuff to do anyway. At the end of the call, she hung up angrily and stormed out with her little luggage bag.

Later that day the guest came down and sheepishly asked to speak to the employee she had spoken to.

Guest: “Yeah… my mother has a bit of… separation anxiety. I’ll tell her the truth later, but lying just now prevented her from having a meltdown in your lobby.”

Me: “I… appreciate that. I hope you enjoy the rest of your honeymoon!”

Guest: “We will now!”

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Jasper Cole

Jasper Cole is a masterful storyteller at Blizzy Panda, diving into the fascinating worlds of celebrities and heartwarming stories. Whether uncovering the latest buzz from Hollywood or sharing moments that touch the soul, Jasper’s writing keeps readers informed, entertained, and inspired.


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