A cat named Mufasa was publicly scolded on TikTok after misbehaving and internet users can’t stop laughing at the hilarious clip.
The viral video, shared on Thursday under the username @phiabell, shows the tabby cat lying belly up on the floor as his owner tells him off for his naughty behavior earlier in the day.
“I want you to tell TikTok what you just did,” the poster can be heard telling Mufasa. “I opened the door for a delivery person and what did you do? You ran out, you jumped in their opened car door into the back seat where where their child was strapped into a car seat, and then you took a chicken nugget from her.”
Even the family dog can be heard barking while the OP scolds Mufasa, but the feline seems totally unperturbed.
Watch this funny moment in the video below!
Cats are known for refusing to follow any commands but this doesn’t mean that you can’t train them to behave well.
In an article medically reviewed by Dr. Alice Athow-Frost, Catster explains that felines react badly to most aversive methods, including any sort of punishment, which only make them more aggressive and fearful.
Instead you should redirect your cat’s attention by showing them what to do, providing them interesting alternatives to the behavior you want to correct, and rewarding good behavior with a treat.
Environmental enrichment, like toys, trees and even walks on a leash, will also keep your cat busy and entertained all day, which will make it less likely to misbehave.
A common way to train cats is by using a clicker, a small plastic box with a metal tongue that makes a clicking sound when pressed, which you can pair with a treat to creative a positive association.
It takes a lot of time and patience to train a cat, and the most important thing is that you respect their boundaries and timings and that you don’t try to do too much too soon.
The video of Mufasa quickly went viral on social media and it has so far received over 6.1 million views and 820,000 likes.