Several years ago, I came out to my grandfather as asexual. He was incredibly confused but completely supportive, and for a while, he was the only family member who I was “out” to. However, he had approximately zero prior experience with LGBTQ people, so he had a lot of questions.
We’re out to dinner together when he starts asking about being transgender since I’ve been experimenting with more masculine clothing.
Grandpa: “I just don’t get it. I’ve tried, but I just don’t! Why would you choose to be something else? How do you even tell?”
Me: “Well, sex and gender aren’t necessarily the same thing, so they don’t always line up. I’ve heard it explained as, ‘Your sex is in your pants, your gender is in your head, and your sexuality is in your heart.’”
A lightbulb goes off.
Grandpa: “Ohhh. I’ve never heard it explained like that before!”
He’s a little confused, but he’s got the spirit!