I am a female sales rep. I am discussing a customer’s account problem with him and gradually resolving his issue. We both laugh for a few seconds over a funny quip he made, no biggie. Then his girlfriend RUNS across the room from the waiting area with her toddler in her arms, pulls a chair across, and shoves the toddler into his lap, all the while glaring at me.
He turned to her with a WTF look on his face and says:
Customer: “Babe, I’m busy.”
Customer’s Partner: “I’m going nowhere while she is laughing with you.”
Me: “Sir, if you’d like to book another appointment to resolve your problem on another day—”
Customer: “No, I’d like to resolve this today.” *To his partner.* “Babe, please go back to the waiting area.”
She reluctantly trailed back with the toddler but stands as close as she can and watches me like a hawk. Two other ladies in the waiting room have seen the whole thing.
Waiting Room Lady #1: “Satan’s t*ts, stop looking so desperate, love! She’s not about to shag him on the desk!”
Waiting Room Lady #2: “Yeah, they have a mattress around the back for that, babes.”
They both broke down into cackles of laughter while my customer’s partner goes red and decides to wait outside instead.