One Cup, One Violation—And a Burger Joint Shut Down!


Several decades ago, I was enlisted in the Navy and stationed in Keflavik, Iceland. On the base, there was a tiny food court with three American restaurants: a burger chain, a sub shop, and a burrito place. I was at lunch one day with four or five other hospital corpsmen (Navy medics), including one who was the head enlisted person at the Preventive Medicine department at the hospital. (We’ll call him John.)

John had gotten food from the burger place and needed a refill on his drink, so he walked up to the counter with his cup and asked. The worker took his used cup, took off the lid, and scooped it through the ice bin. John was very surprised, and being in Preventive Medicine, knew just what an issue that was.

John: “What you just did with my cup is a health violation. You’ll now need to empty the ice bin and clean the whole thing with bleach.”

Worker: “I don’t have to do that.”

And she started filling his drink.

John: “You most certainly do need to clean that bin.”

She paused and looked him in the eye.

Worker: “No, I’m not doing that.”

And she handed him the filled cup.

It is important to note at this point that Preventive Medicine does all the health and food safety inspections for all of the restaurants (including the bars, clubs, etc.) and galleys on the base.

John immediately turned around and yelled at the top of his voice.

John: “Attention, everyone! [Burger Chain] is shut down immediately for health violations!”

He walked into the back of the restaurant.

John: “Everyone, stop whatever you are working on. I’m shutting down the restaurant.”

The manager came running out of his office, demanding to know what was happening, and of course, he recognized John from prior health inspections. John told him about the actions of the girl up front.

John: “I’m doing an emergency inspection of the entire restaurant.”

Manager: “I’ll fire the girl immediately. Please don’t shut us down.”

John: “I’m sorry, but the emergency inspection is a requirement when I see a knowing health code violation like I just did.”

John then called the Preventive Medicine officer, who came immediately and backed John up fully while they did a very thorough inspection of the [Burger Chain]. The restaurant passed with a few minor hits, but it was shut down for a couple of days so the employees could undergo food safety training.

It also reopened with one fewer front counter worker.

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Jasper Cole

Jasper Cole is a masterful storyteller at Blizzy Panda, diving into the fascinating worlds of celebrities and heartwarming stories. Whether uncovering the latest buzz from Hollywood or sharing moments that touch the soul, Jasper’s writing keeps readers informed, entertained, and inspired.


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