I am working at a pizza chain through high school, and I cover the phones. After taking a small order and repeating it back:
Caller: “Oh, and I need extra garlic sauce, like six cups.”
Me: “It’s thirty cents per cup so your total will be—”
Caller: “—Hold up! What the f***! I ain’t paying for no d*** sauce!”
She breaks down into an extremely loud tantrum. You can hear her from the phone all the way to the back of the store. My manager promptly takes the phone from me and slams it down.
Manager: “If the customer wants to act like a child, then they aren’t worth your time.”
Sure enough, she called back a few seconds later. My manager answered. I hear the now even more irate woman scream:
Caller: “Did you just f****** hang up on me?!”
Manager: *Calmly.* “I don’t know, ma’am, did it sound like this?”
And then hung up again.