My wife and I apply for SNAP benefits (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, aka food stamps) during a rough financial time and get approved. We both work full-time, but it just isn’t enough to cover all the bills.
A few weeks after approval, I get a letter, addressed to me and me alone, stating that I have to come take a job application class in order to keep our SNAP benefits. Not only is the class in the middle of the work week, meaning I have to take a day off, but it’s nearly four hours long. But I’m told it’s mandatory, so I go.
Instructor: “Hello, everyone. Please fill out your information on the worksheets in front of you. This class is designed to help you refresh your resume and get a job — or even a second job. It’s a required part of keeping your SNAP benefits if your income is under [amount] and/or you only have one job while receiving benefits. Part of the requirement is effort in finding a job or second job, so you will be required to apply for a job before you leave…”
The instructor spots my confused look and stops.
Instructor: “Do you need assistance?”
Me: “Um. Maybe? I not only make over [amount], but I already have two jobs. Am I here because I need to apply to a third one?”
Instructor: *Freezes* “You have two jobs already?”
Me: “Yes. I work a full-time security job and part-time third shift at a gas station.”
The instructor looks over my information.
Instructor: “Oh, I can see you recently moved here. Sometimes they make people who just moved into the state take these classes to help them out.”
Me: “I’ve lived here for almost a year now, and I’ve had both of these jobs the entire time.”
Instructor: “Then why are you here? None of this is going to apply to you.”
Me: “I was told that if I didn’t come, we’d lose our benefits.”
Instructor: “…I don’t know what to tell you. You’re not going to be able to do any of these worksheets.”
Me: “Then… can I go? I was able to get the day off from one job, but I still have to go to the other tonight.”
Instructor: “If you leave, I have to mark you as absent. You’ll lose your benefits.”
Me: “Okay. Then how do I fill out this form? It’s asking me what I could do to make time in my schedule for another job. I work from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm at one job and then from 8:00 pm to 2:00 am four nights a week. I have no room for another job.”
Instructor: “I don’t know. Do what you can, but you’re not allowed to leave.”
I had to sit through the entire class, getting instructions on how to wash my clothes before an interview, taking a quiz about appropriate interview attire, and going over my resume with the instructor, who kept commenting that they had no idea why I’d been required to attend this class.